Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tips For Tension Relief

Every people suffers from mental tension at some critical stages of life. As our life is becoming more and more expensive and complicated, mental anxieties and tensions are in growing tendency as well. Most people who are prone to hypertension have in the house a blood pressure meter, but this is a thing that you can be unlikely to buy if you learn to use a less known method. Here are some natural methods for tension relief.

Bathrooms light – You can do it daily for 15 minutes with a light green light bulb. If you do not have the green light bulb, you can use a square of green fabric, which is covering the head, and it uses a standard bulb. At the same time, drink "green water". A glass of water stand on a support or a circle cut from green paper for 5-6 hours, to the sunlight or lamp. You can drink it 3-4 times, 50 ml, before meals.

Some aloe leaves that are hold for 12 days in the bottom of the refrigerator, wrapped in a paper so that the ends are not covered can be used for tension relief as well. Bio-stimulated in this way, then give grinders as to obtain a half glass of green table. Mix together with minced lemon peel (discard the seeds), a glass of honey and a glass of brandy. You need to consume 2 tablespoons each, twice daily.

The tension adjustment, instead of drugs may be used with some with food great success. Our ancestors used corn flour (maize). In the evening, in a glass you can put a spoonful of corn flour, pour hot water (not boiling), cover the cup and leave it all night. In the morning immediately after awakening, you need to drink only the water.
Another remedy can be a tablespoon of cinnamon mixed with 3 tablespoons of sugar. You need to consume one teaspoon, 3 times a day, one hour before meals for 10 days. Cinnamon can be mixed with honey or with sour milk.

You can get some fresh milk in the morning and let it boil 30 minute to cool. In 0.5 liters of milk add 50 g of seeds of dill and boil again, stirring constantly, until you get 250 ml of liquid. Strain it and consume with one tablespoon 3 times daily, 20-30 minutes before meals. It is necessarily to be kept in your refrigerator.

The raspberry tea can also be a useful remedy for tension relief. In 250 ml of boiling water, place some chopped raspberry leaves, cover well or keep in thermos for 30 minutes. The leaves can be used 3-4 times. Drink 2 times a day, morning and night for 7 days. After a break of 5-7 days, the treatment is repeated.

The fennel is one more natural remedy for high tension. 10 g fennel seeds, mixed with a cup of boiling water need to be kept in a thermos or water bath for 15 minutes, cool and strain. Add boiling water to 200 ml and consume it during the day. If after treatment or for another reason, the tension has decreased too much, you need to drink a cup of coffee or tea in order to regain the balance.

Meditation is also effective in stress management and tension relief. Meditation that cultivates mindfulness is particularly effective at reducing stress, anxiety, depression, and mental tension.