Tuesday, December 29, 2015

How to get sound sleep

Sound sleep is essential for leading a tension free healthy life. Mental tension impedes sound sleep, on the other hand, lack of regular sleep intensify tensions. So everyone should try to build up a habit of having sound sleep daily.
Following are few tips for having sound sleep:
  1. Maintain a regular time schedule for your sleep. Try to go to bed on a fixed time daily.
  2. Go to bed early. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. So do not be so late to go to bed.
  3. Do physical hard work regularly. Physical working will makes your body cells hungry for sleep.
  4. Do not take too much coffee or tea. 
  5. Avoid alcohol and other drugs.
  6. Avoid smoking. Smoking will not reduce your tension, rather it will reduce your sleep.
  7. Use soft soothing light in your bed room. Bright light impedes sleeping, on the other hand, a soothing light may help to get asleep. SCS Nite-Nite Light Bulb. Natural Baby Sleep Aid. Promotes Healthy Sleeping Habits for Baby and Mother which is Certified by The National Parenting Center
  8. Sleep on a comfortable mattress and pillows. Your mattress shouldn't be too soft or too hard. Your pillows shouldn't be too high or too low.
  9. Listen to soft music in relatively low volume. Healing Sounds of Nature - Thunderstorm, Rain and Ocean Waves - Music for Deep Sleep - Improve the quality of your rest, aid concentration and provide ambiance with this gorgeously crisp, high fidelity and best selling recording of the pure sounds of a thunderstorm, rain and ocean waves.
  10. Maintain a favorable room temperature.
  11. Eliminate sneaky light sources. Outside lights may disturb your sleep.
  12. Take a hot bath approximately one hour before you got to sleep.
  13. Do not sleep during daytime. This hampers sleeping during nighttime. Multiple sessions of sleep is not a good idea. Try to sleep in a single session.
  14. Avoid eating within two hours of bedtime.
  15. Do meditation or yoga exercise.
  16. Read books: novels, poems, magazines etc.
  17. Change food habit. Make dinner your lightest meal. 
  18. Make sure there will be no disturbance during your sleep. Keep your pets away, for example.
  19. Keep your mattress, pillows, blankets clean. Keep your bedroom clean. Keep your cot free from bugs.
  20. Request your partner for a light body massage.
  21. Sleeping Pills may help to get sound sleep. LUNA - #1 Natural Sleep Aid on Amazon - Herbal, Non-Habit Forming Sleeping Pill (Made with Valerian, Chamomile, Passionflower, Lemon Balm, Melatonin & More!)
 You can't buy sound sleep with money. So be sincere about sleep before your life become hell due to lack of sleep.